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Ecco i prezzi ufficiali del nuovo iPad

Eccovi i prezzi ufficiali, iva inclusa, del nuovo iPad presentato qualche giorno fa:

[one_half] iPad with Wi-Fi 16GB Black
iPad with Wi-Fi 16GB White
iPad with Wi-Fi 32GB Black
iPad with Wi-Fi 32GB White
iPad with Wi-Fi 64GB Black
iPad with Wi-Fi 64GB White
iPad with Wi-Fi + 4G 16GB – Black
iPad with Wi-Fi + 4G 16GB – White
iPad with Wi-Fi + 4G 32GB – Black
iPad with Wi-Fi + 4G 32GB – White
iPad with Wi-Fi + 4G 64GB – Black
iPad with Wi-Fi + 4G 64GB – White [/one_half] [one_half_last] € 479,00
€ 479,00
€ 579,00
€ 579,00
€ 679,00
€ 679,00
€ 599,00
€ 599,00
€ 699,00
€ 699,00
€ 799,00
€ 799,00 [/one_half_last]

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