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Convertire le immagini in qualsiasi formato


Abbiamo già segnalato alcuni siti che permettono di convertire documenti di vari tipi in differenti formati. Questi sito però, go2convert, è specializzato nella conversione di formati immagine e ne ha talmente tanti che è veramente impressionante. Se leggete tutto l’articolo, abbiamo inserito qui dentro questa lista che, pur nella sua lunghezza, è di una completezza veramente incredibile. Ci sono dei formati di cui non avevo mai neppure sentito parlare. I formati principali e più comuni sono comunque

  • BMP – Microsoft Windows bitmap
  • DIB – Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap
  • EPI – Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format
  • EPS – Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
  • GIF – CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format
  • JPC – JPEG-2000 Code Stream Syntax
  • JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format
  • PCD – Photo CD
  • PCX – IBM PC Paintbrush file
  • PDB – Palm Database ImageViewer Format
  • PDF – Portable Document Format
  • PGM – Portable graymap format (gray scale)
  • PICT – Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT file
  • PNG – Portable Network Graphics
  • PSD – Adobe Photoshop bitmap file
  • SVG – Scalable Vector Graphics
  • TGA – Truevision Targa image

e per usare il sito è sufficiente caricare l’immagine e scegliere il formato; se volete anche ridimensionarla è possibile. L’immagine risultante vi verrà inviata via email.

Tag Modo Descrizione
ART R PFS: 1st Publisher
AVI R Microsoft Audio/Visual Interleaved
AVS RW AVS X image
BMP RW Microsoft Windows bitmap
CGM R Computer Graphics Metafile
CIN RW Kodak Cineon Image Format
CMYK RW Raw cyan, magenta, yellow, and black samples
CMYKA RW Raw cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and alpha samples
CR2 R Canon Digital Camera Raw Image Format
CRW R Canon Digital Camera Raw Image Format
CUR R Microsoft Cursor Icon
DCM R Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) image
DCR R Kodak Digital Camera Raw Image File
DCX RW ZSoft IBM PC multi-page Paintbrush image
DIB RW Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap
DNG R Digital Negative
DOT R Graph Visualization
DPX RW SMPTE Digital Moving Picture Exchange 2.0 (SMPTE 268M-2003)
EMF R Microsoft Enhanced Metafile (32-bit)
EPDF RW Encapsulated Portable Document Format
EPI RW Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format
EPS RW Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
EPS2 W Adobe Level II Encapsulated PostScript
EPS3 W Adobe Level III Encapsulated PostScript
EPSF RW Adobe Encapsulated PostScript
EPSI RW Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format
EPT RW Adobe Encapsulated PostScript Interchange format with TIFF preview
EXR RW High dynamic-range (HDR) file format developed by Industrial Light & Magic
FIG R FIG graphics format
FITS RW Flexible Image Transport System
FPX RW FlashPix Format
GIF RW CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format
GPLT R Gnuplot plot files
GRAY RW Raw gray samples
HPGL R HP-GL plotter language
HTML RW Hypertext Markup Language with a client-side image map
ICO R Microsoft icon
INFO W Format and characteristics of the image
JBIG RW Joint Bi-level Image experts Group file interchange format
JNG RW Multiple-image Network Graphics
JP2 RW JPEG-2000 JP2 File Format Syntax
JPC RW JPEG-2000 Code Stream Syntax
JPEG RW Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format
MAN R Unix reference manual pages
MAT R MATLAB image format
MIFF RW Magick image file format
MONO RW Bi-level bitmap in least-significant-byte first order
MNG RW Multiple-image Network Graphics
MPEG RW Motion Picture Experts Group file interchange format (version 1)
M2V RW Motion Picture Experts Group file interchange format (version 2)
MPC RW Magick Persistent Cache image file format
MRW R Sony (Minolta) Raw Image File
MSL RW Magick Scripting Language
MTV RW MTV Raytracing image format
MVG RW Magick Vector Graphics.
NEF R Nikon Digital SLR Camera Raw Image File
ORF R Olympus Digital Camera Raw Image File
OTB RW On-the-air Bitmap
P7 RW Xv’s Visual Schnauzer thumbnail format
PALM RW Palm pixmap
PAM W Common 2-dimensional bitmap format
PBM RW Portable bitmap format (black and white)
PCL W HP Page Control Language
PCX RW ZSoft IBM PC Paintbrush file
PDB RW Palm Database ImageViewer Format
PDF RW Portable Document Format
PEF R Pentax Electronic File
PFA R Postscript Type 1 font (ASCII)
PFB R Postscript Type 1 font (binary)
PFM RW Portable float map format
PGM RW Portable graymap format (gray scale)
PICON RW Personal Icon
PICT RW Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT file
PIX R Alias/Wavefront RLE image format
PNG RW Portable Network Graphics
PNG8 RW Portable Network Graphics
PNG24 RW Portable Network Graphics
PNG32 RW Portable Network Graphics
PNM RW Portable anymap
PPM RW Portable pixmap format (color)
PS RW Adobe PostScript file
PS2 RW Adobe Level II PostScript file
PS3 RW Adobe Level III PostScript file
PSD RW Adobe Photoshop bitmap file
PTIF RW Pyramid encoded TIFF
PWP R Seattle File Works multi-image file
RAD R Radiance image file
RAF R Fuji CCD-RAW Graphic File
RGB RW Raw red, green, and blue samples
RGBA RW Raw red, green, blue, and alpha samples
RLA R Alias/Wavefront image file
RLE R Utah Run length encoded image file
SCT R Scitex Continuous Tone Picture
SFW R Seattle File Works image
SGI RW Irix RGB image
SHTML W Hypertext Markup Language client-side image map
SUN RW SUN Rasterfile
SVG RW Scalable Vector Graphics
TGA RW Truevision Targa image
TIFF RW Tagged Image File Format
TTF R TrueType font file
TXT RW Raw text file
UIL W X-Motif UIL table
UYVY RW Interleaved YUV raw image
VICAR RW VICAR rasterfile format
VIFF RW Khoros Visualization Image File Format
WBMP RW Wireless bitmap
WMF R Windows Metafile
WPG R Word Perfect Graphics File
X RW display or import an image to or from an X11 server
XBM RW X Windows system bitmap, black and white only
XCF R GIMP image
XPM RW X Windows system pixmap
XWD RW X Windows system window dump
X3F R Sigma Camera RAW Picture File
YCbCr RW Raw Y, Cb, and Cr samples
YCbCrA RW Raw Y, Cb, Cr, and alpha samples
YUV RW CCIR 601 4:1:1
  1. Excellent site. It was pleasant to me.

  2. Francesco

    ciao io ho delle foto che il pc li legge in dcm e li vorrei convertire in jpeg perchè li devo inviare tramite email ma non me li apre, come posso fare???
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